The answer: There is no black and white 'fact or fiction' answer! (sorry, I know these answers are so annoying... but stay with me!).

To start out with, let me tell you what I AM against:

  • The idea that there is only one good body type, and we should all strive to be that shape and size
  • The constant pressure from media and society for everyone to look a certain way
  • Anyone being told or made to feel like their body is 'less than' or unworthy because it looks a certain way
  • Black and white thinking that says that particular body types are always unhealthy
  • The idea that you can tell someone's health status just by looking at them
When you start to learn about the anti-diet and body positivity worlds, it can be easy to start feeling bad if you want to change your body or lose some weight. You can feel like it doesn't align with those worlds, and that you can't truly be a part of them when you DON'T love your body the way it is, and you feel like that might never be possible for you.

I'm here to tell you that it's okay to want to lose weight. You've been told your whole life that smaller = better and smaller = healthier. While this isn't necessarily the case (weight and health are two distinct concepts that sometimes overlap, and sometimes don't), it's hard to pull yourself away from that mindset.

The first question that I ask my clients who say they want to lose weight is 'why?'. Why do you want to lose weight? What will be different for you if you are in a smaller body? How will it impact your life? Often, we find that what we ACTUALLY want to achieve is confidence, feeling good in ourselves and physical comfort.
My next question is 'what if you could have those things, but your body didn't change?'. This is a question that I was asked when I was stuck on the weight loss hamster wheel, and it changed my life.
Once I realised that those things WERE attainable without me necessarily needing to change my body, I decided to put the work into changing my attitudes and perceptions instead. It was the best decision I ever made.
In saying that, I believe in bodily autonomy. I believe that every person has a right to decide what they do with their body and it's not up to anyone else to make those decisions for them. If one of my clients wants to lose weight, that is completely up to them and I will not pressure them to change their mind.
Instead, I encourage them (and you, if you can relate!) to consider the approach that they are taking. Trying to change your body from a place of hate, especially if that's hate for the way it looks, is not sustainable, healthy or something that aligns with my approach. In contrast, changing your behaviours to take care of your body because you love and respect it is something that I believe is absolutely fine.
Anti-diet does not mean anti-health.
You can be anti-diet and make sure you're eating 5 serves of vegetables each day (even if you don't love vegetables).
You can be anti-diet and do high-intensity exercise.
You can be anti-diet and turn down a second cookie because you know you'll feel sick, even if your tastebuds are screaming GIMME!
Anti-diet means learning to honour your body's needs rather than focusing on disordered weight-control efforts.

If you're struggling with the desire to lose weight but are sick of restriction and feeling miserable about yourself, I'd love to help you.

Book a free mini coaching session (no strings attached!) so that we can discuss the next steps to make you feel like your happiest and healthiest self.

I'm an online Body Image & Food Freedom Coach and I'm here to burn diet culture to the ground.

I'll transform your life through food and body freedom, so that your days are full of fun and pleasure.

You can love your body, feel confident, create sustainable healthy habits and become your best self without diets and their BS!
